The Pearson's

We had planned from the beginning to (hopefully!) have a natural, out-of-hospital birth at the Geneva Woods Birth Center, and we debated whether or not the help of a doula would be a useful part of our birth plan in light of the fact that we had already made that choice and would be working with the birth center midwives. After going through childbirth classes and most of our prenatal appointments, we realized that having another member of the team to support me during the birth and to support my husband Bill as my birth partner would be invaluable for both of us during the process. Anna had been the doula for Bill’s sister’s birth the year before, and she and her husband couldn’t speak highly enough of the help Anna provided for them during the birth (also a natural birth), so we contacted Anna first in the hopes that she was available to support our birth. After meeting with her to discuss our hopes for the birth and the role she would play we were certain she was the right person to help support our birth process; she is a quiet, calm, and thoughtful presence who entered into the conversation with us without any agenda, completely open to helping us have the kind of birth we wanted to have. Working through the questions and birth plan documents she provided helped me to focus on what my hopes and expectations were for the birth process, and we approached our son’s due date feeling an additional boost of confidence with Anna on our team.
I went into labor in the middle of the night on a Thursday, and Anna was immediately responsive when Bill reached out to her with status updates. When we eventually went in to the birth center, Anna met us there, arriving just a moment after we did. Throughout my labor, Anna was instrumental in helping me to manage pain and Bill to support me. At each phase, she was there, doing exactly the thing I needed to make it possible for me to continue the birth process without medical intervention – helping me move to a new position, rubbing my lower back, covering me with cool, wet towels, and continuing to pass on words of encouragement. She is intuitive and experienced, and the combination makes her responsive to your needs even before you can determine how to articulate them. With her assistance, I was able to manage the process without any pain medication or other medical intervention, and Bill felt more confident in his role as birth partner. He was able to focus on providing the verbal encouragement he knew I needed, and to occasionally take quick breaks to make sure he was prepared to make it through the entire process.
In the end, I had exactly the birth I had hoped for – a natural, out-of-hospital experience that was free of complications and from which I recovered quickly. Without Anna’s help, we definitely would not have had as positive an experience. Her help in managing my pain and in supporting Bill was instrumental. We hope to have the chance to work with her again for future births, and highly recommend her to all expecting moms and dads.
I went into labor in the middle of the night on a Thursday, and Anna was immediately responsive when Bill reached out to her with status updates. When we eventually went in to the birth center, Anna met us there, arriving just a moment after we did. Throughout my labor, Anna was instrumental in helping me to manage pain and Bill to support me. At each phase, she was there, doing exactly the thing I needed to make it possible for me to continue the birth process without medical intervention – helping me move to a new position, rubbing my lower back, covering me with cool, wet towels, and continuing to pass on words of encouragement. She is intuitive and experienced, and the combination makes her responsive to your needs even before you can determine how to articulate them. With her assistance, I was able to manage the process without any pain medication or other medical intervention, and Bill felt more confident in his role as birth partner. He was able to focus on providing the verbal encouragement he knew I needed, and to occasionally take quick breaks to make sure he was prepared to make it through the entire process.
In the end, I had exactly the birth I had hoped for – a natural, out-of-hospital experience that was free of complications and from which I recovered quickly. Without Anna’s help, we definitely would not have had as positive an experience. Her help in managing my pain and in supporting Bill was instrumental. We hope to have the chance to work with her again for future births, and highly recommend her to all expecting moms and dads.
The Nelson's

When we first heard about Doulas, my first thought was that, that’s something only famous and rich people do and can afford, but sounded so intriguing that we went online to research more about what they do and how much they cost. I'm glad I did. Because having a doula by our side on our first baby’s birth was one of the best decisions we could’ve done and it was priceless.
My husband and I took a “birthing class”, read books, and watched videos to prepare for the delivery. We were also new to the city and we were not sure if our family was going to be able to make it on time for the delivery of our baby, and we wanted to have someone with us on that day. That’s when I decided that hiring a Doula might be worth looking into.
The more I researched about Doulas the more I realized that it wasn’t only about having ‘someone there to help’ but that it was important to “connect” with her and feel comfortable having her around. And that’s exactly how we felt about Anna.
After interviewing a couple of Doulas, asking them questions and chatting a bit, it was clear to us that Anna was the right person. She was able not only to answer all of our questions and concerns, but also to give us a sense of serenity and confidence. She can make you feel at ease and comfortable, which is important when being in labor!
After our interview with Anna, we met again to go over our “needs and wants” and set up our “Birthing Plan”. What a great help she was! By the time she left our house, we were feeling confident and ready for our big day. Any concerns or questions we came up with later, she was just a text message, e-mail, or phone call away from us. Oh, what a piece of mind that was!!!
My due date came and went, and three days later I was at a doctor’s appointment when I was told I needed to be induced. So, we called Anna and she met up with us at the hospital and didn’t leave our side till 24hrs (plus!) later once baby girl was born and safe. I had a long 19 hour labor/delivery with 5 hours of transition and no painkillers. Of course I was exhausted, but not once did I think about asking for drugs, because I knew that with the support of my husband and Anna I was going to be able to power through it. Anna’s expertise came in handy when the pain was taking over and I felt like I could not handle it anymore. She suggested a wide variety of positions and breathing techniques that we could not have came up with ourselves that helped to ease the pain. Half way through my transition period, I started to lose focus on my breathing and the nurses were concerned that I might cause my cervix to swell, so they approached Anna and talked to her so she could help me avoid that, and she did. Having Anna there explaining to us medical terminology and being able to ‘translate’ what doctors and nurses were saying was priceless.
After only an hour and half of pushing, I gave birth to a beautiful healthy 6lbs & 19in baby girl, but I got second degree tearing that needed a couple of stitches. I’m afraid of needles and the concept of stitches has always terrified me, so when the time came I could not be more grateful to have Anna by my side holding my hand (I wanted my husband to stay with our baby at all times while they were taking care of her). Till this day, I remember looking up at her smiley eyes feeling a sense of peace, complete serenity, and some sort of triumph as I was being stitched up. If it wasn’t for her peaceful look and smile, and her soft but firm handgrip, I'm sure I would’ve lost it right then.
Anna’s work didn’t end there, she stayed after baby was born to help me take a shower, clean and organize my room to let family and friends in. She was always ready and thinking ahead! She also stayed there for when it was time to nurse and her tips and advice were a blessing too. When we came home she made sure we knew we could count on her and give her a call if we needed some advice or had any questions. She always went the extra mile to help.
The strength of my baby girl, the love of my husband, the advice of Anna, and the constant support from both of them made possible a healthy and ‘easy’ labor/delivery and birth. I keep telling my family and friends that I would not have been able to do it without my husband’s support, and he keeps telling everybody that he couldn't have done it without Anna's.
My husband and I took a “birthing class”, read books, and watched videos to prepare for the delivery. We were also new to the city and we were not sure if our family was going to be able to make it on time for the delivery of our baby, and we wanted to have someone with us on that day. That’s when I decided that hiring a Doula might be worth looking into.
The more I researched about Doulas the more I realized that it wasn’t only about having ‘someone there to help’ but that it was important to “connect” with her and feel comfortable having her around. And that’s exactly how we felt about Anna.
After interviewing a couple of Doulas, asking them questions and chatting a bit, it was clear to us that Anna was the right person. She was able not only to answer all of our questions and concerns, but also to give us a sense of serenity and confidence. She can make you feel at ease and comfortable, which is important when being in labor!
After our interview with Anna, we met again to go over our “needs and wants” and set up our “Birthing Plan”. What a great help she was! By the time she left our house, we were feeling confident and ready for our big day. Any concerns or questions we came up with later, she was just a text message, e-mail, or phone call away from us. Oh, what a piece of mind that was!!!
My due date came and went, and three days later I was at a doctor’s appointment when I was told I needed to be induced. So, we called Anna and she met up with us at the hospital and didn’t leave our side till 24hrs (plus!) later once baby girl was born and safe. I had a long 19 hour labor/delivery with 5 hours of transition and no painkillers. Of course I was exhausted, but not once did I think about asking for drugs, because I knew that with the support of my husband and Anna I was going to be able to power through it. Anna’s expertise came in handy when the pain was taking over and I felt like I could not handle it anymore. She suggested a wide variety of positions and breathing techniques that we could not have came up with ourselves that helped to ease the pain. Half way through my transition period, I started to lose focus on my breathing and the nurses were concerned that I might cause my cervix to swell, so they approached Anna and talked to her so she could help me avoid that, and she did. Having Anna there explaining to us medical terminology and being able to ‘translate’ what doctors and nurses were saying was priceless.
After only an hour and half of pushing, I gave birth to a beautiful healthy 6lbs & 19in baby girl, but I got second degree tearing that needed a couple of stitches. I’m afraid of needles and the concept of stitches has always terrified me, so when the time came I could not be more grateful to have Anna by my side holding my hand (I wanted my husband to stay with our baby at all times while they were taking care of her). Till this day, I remember looking up at her smiley eyes feeling a sense of peace, complete serenity, and some sort of triumph as I was being stitched up. If it wasn’t for her peaceful look and smile, and her soft but firm handgrip, I'm sure I would’ve lost it right then.
Anna’s work didn’t end there, she stayed after baby was born to help me take a shower, clean and organize my room to let family and friends in. She was always ready and thinking ahead! She also stayed there for when it was time to nurse and her tips and advice were a blessing too. When we came home she made sure we knew we could count on her and give her a call if we needed some advice or had any questions. She always went the extra mile to help.
The strength of my baby girl, the love of my husband, the advice of Anna, and the constant support from both of them made possible a healthy and ‘easy’ labor/delivery and birth. I keep telling my family and friends that I would not have been able to do it without my husband’s support, and he keeps telling everybody that he couldn't have done it without Anna's.
The Friedline's

Before our son Dylan was born, my wife and I agreed that we wanted a doula to help us through all the unexpected scenarios that may arise during child birth. Since this was our first child, we agreed that additional help and knowledge would be invaluable. When we hired Anna, we secured that peace of mind.
During my wife’s pregnancy any questions we had were answered quickly and Anna always offered encouraging, positive remarks along with the answers to our questions. Her calm, professional attitude when dealing with us, and the nursing staff was much needed during a hectic delivery. When my wife went into labor around 1AM, Anna responded quickly, giving us helpful instructions. She then met us at the Hospital, and stayed with us until our son was born at 7:53PM. During the entire labor and delivery process Anna was encouraging, positive, calm and professional. Even after such a long day Anna offered to stay as long as we needed her. That’s dedication.
Throughout the entire labor, Anna helped convince my wife that she was strong enough to do this; even when she didn’t get pain relief for several hours. We highly recommend Anna to anyone who is pregnant and would like the constant reassurance that Anna provides.
- David, Michelle (and now Dylan) Friedline
During my wife’s pregnancy any questions we had were answered quickly and Anna always offered encouraging, positive remarks along with the answers to our questions. Her calm, professional attitude when dealing with us, and the nursing staff was much needed during a hectic delivery. When my wife went into labor around 1AM, Anna responded quickly, giving us helpful instructions. She then met us at the Hospital, and stayed with us until our son was born at 7:53PM. During the entire labor and delivery process Anna was encouraging, positive, calm and professional. Even after such a long day Anna offered to stay as long as we needed her. That’s dedication.
Throughout the entire labor, Anna helped convince my wife that she was strong enough to do this; even when she didn’t get pain relief for several hours. We highly recommend Anna to anyone who is pregnant and would like the constant reassurance that Anna provides.
- David, Michelle (and now Dylan) Friedline
The Reubelmann's

My husband and I wanted a doula for the birth of our first child mainly as an extra support person . We met with Anna prior to the birth and hit it right off. Anna was great at keeping in touch the final weeks and providing tips and support as we waited for labor to kick in. I had early labor contractions for 1 1/2 weeks and Anna was supportive through the process, especially during the decision whether to induce labor. At 41 weeks and 4 days I went into labor and headed for the hospital, the contractions were erratic and after discussing with Anna we decided to have the mid wife break my water to try and get the contractions consistent.
I had back labor with every contraction and was also fighting nausea the whole time. Anna and John applied counter pressure and helped me to change positions etc. I received anti nausea medicine through IV and a little pain medicine. I was also able to get in the tub for a while and to take a shower. Having Anna there allowed my husband John to take some walks/ stretch out and get some food.
After 15 hours of labor and 35 minutes of pushing our Little John was born weighing 7lbs and 7 oz. Anna was great along with Heather (her mentor doula, and a lactation consultant) at helping to get breastfeeding going. Little John latched on and nursed on and off for the first six hours and than slept five hours straight. My milk came in 23 hours after he was born and he never lost weight (getting started with him correctly latching on help tremendously).
We really appreciated having Anna at our birth, as John tells everyone "get a doula it is totally worth it and I needed the extra help just to be able to take breaks and have another person there" The birth experience was everything we hoped for.
We will definitely be contacting Anna for the next baby whenever that happens in our lives and recommending her to any of our friends that are currently looking for a doula.
I had back labor with every contraction and was also fighting nausea the whole time. Anna and John applied counter pressure and helped me to change positions etc. I received anti nausea medicine through IV and a little pain medicine. I was also able to get in the tub for a while and to take a shower. Having Anna there allowed my husband John to take some walks/ stretch out and get some food.
After 15 hours of labor and 35 minutes of pushing our Little John was born weighing 7lbs and 7 oz. Anna was great along with Heather (her mentor doula, and a lactation consultant) at helping to get breastfeeding going. Little John latched on and nursed on and off for the first six hours and than slept five hours straight. My milk came in 23 hours after he was born and he never lost weight (getting started with him correctly latching on help tremendously).
We really appreciated having Anna at our birth, as John tells everyone "get a doula it is totally worth it and I needed the extra help just to be able to take breaks and have another person there" The birth experience was everything we hoped for.
We will definitely be contacting Anna for the next baby whenever that happens in our lives and recommending her to any of our friends that are currently looking for a doula.
The Peterson's and Burns

Many people had told me how beneficial a doula could be when trying to achieve a natural birth. Since this is our first child, we really had no idea what to expect when the big day came so I knew I wanted to hire the right one. We are extremely fortunate to have met Anna and have her attend the birth of our daughter! My labor ended up being much longer than most and her assistance was invaluable to us both. The process was kept very positive with Anna's presence. She encouraged me the entire time, reminding me that I am strong and could do it. She also suggested lots of different positions for me to labor in. When things took a bit of a turn she was able to comfort me calmly with sound advice and told me exactly what I needed to hear to continue with confidence. Anna is personable and professional. She was very helpful the entire time, not only for us but with the hospital staff. The nurses commented to us how they felt Anna was an excellent doula and were glad she was there too. She also took great pictures that are wonderful memories of our family's special day! If the time comes when we are ready to have another child, we will definitely contact Anna to assist us again. We highly recommend her to anybody looking for an exceptional doula! Thank you for everything Anna!
The Quisenberry's
Anna Cha was wonderful during the births of both of my children. She was calm during the difficult parts of labor, which kept me calm. She also helped me through contractions by massaging me, which was fabulous! She helped to direct my husband through labor as welll. I knew I didn't want any medications during labor and having Anna Cha helped me have another voice that advocated for me. She also took pictures of the birth which was very special. She also helped me breast feed shortly after labor which was a very special moment. She also made a home visit after having my children and even made me seaweed soup to help try increasing my milk supply! She is a special person and a WONDERFUL Doula. I would likely recommend her! She is worth the money!!!!
The Apeland's
As a 1st time mom, I had a typed birth plan that my team at JBER agreed to. I wanted labor to be spontaneous and to manage my pain without drugs. But, at 41 weeks, I had to be induced. I knew it was coming, the NP told me at prior appointments I wasn't dilated. My son was occipital posterior (sunnyside up). He never fully descended, so never put pressure on my cervix, which never effaced. This didn't come out until hour 26 of my induction. I endured an unmedicated overnight with a Foley bulb that got me to 4 cm and 14 hours of Pitocin that brought me to 10 cm but plunged my son's heartrate into dangerous 54 beats-per-minute territory. Monitors were going haywire as staff repositioned me, adjusted the wires, and tried to keep us safe. I got Stadol after 8 hours of Pitocin, which made me fall asleep until the climax of contractions, only to wake in terrific, unmanaged pain. A few hours later, I got the epidural, then ultimately a c-section at hour 30. Nothing went the way I wanted it to. I was a wreck, and the experience was excruciatingly painful. Anna was a rock of stability throughout. She advocated for me as my team made decisions that went against my birth plan. She provided me all the options when the hospital only gave me one, and helped us make educated decisions. She kept us calm, centered, and focused. When I scrunched my face, she told me to relax it and my whole body followed suit. She helped me breathe, gave me coping strategies, and literally held me up when my legs failed me during endless hours of fruitless labor. She comforted us as things went awry. She took our pictures in the OR as we became parents to a healthy baby boy. Afterward, she followed up and visited to help with the latch and feeding.
She's smart, capable, and gentle, but sassy enough to stand up to hospital staff if necessary. Hiring her was the best decision we could have made for the birth of our firstborn.
She's smart, capable, and gentle, but sassy enough to stand up to hospital staff if necessary. Hiring her was the best decision we could have made for the birth of our firstborn.
The Miller's and Mcotter's
Anna Cha is an amazing Doula to have present during labor. We hired Anna to attend the birth of our first son, and we were so thankful for her support! She is a very calm, encouraging and reassuring presence. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for support during labor. We were grateful to have her attend the birth of our 2nd son as well! It gave my husband and I the peace of mind we desired to try natural childbirth, knowing Anna is a mother of 6 children herself, as well as, a trained doula. She is full of knowledge and experience! Anna is very respectful of your wishes, needs and goals through the whole process. Anna is also respected and welcomed by the medical staff who know her at the hospital. She is just the right amount of help!
The Fisher's
My husband and I have had the privilege of knowing Anna and her husband for a few years prior to us becoming pregnant. When we found out that we were expecting we began the typical discussions about what kind of birth we wanted to have, who should be there, and where we wanted to deliver. Ultimately we chose to deliver at a hospital but we knew we wanted someone there who would be “on our side.” Choosing Anna to be our doula was a very natural and easy decision for us as we already knew her calm and encouraging personality and welcomed her friendship and expertise in this new journey we found ourselves on. Anna was very helpful throughout the entire pregnancy, answering our many questions, and offering advice and direction. During labor and delivery I appreciated knowing that Anna was there to advocate for us with the hospital staff if necessary, to support my husband (with breaks, food, rest) and of course to help me stay calm and focused and manage pain. We had hoped for birth to start naturally but at post 42 weeks, we made the decision to induce labor which was the beginning of things “not going as planned.” 22 hours after checking in to the hospital our baby girl was born. Anna was there every minute that I asked her to be and her presence brought a calmness into the room that made a huge difference for both my husband and I. She offered support physically and emotionally, recommended different ways to manage the pain, and encouraged me with her words and counting through the contractions and pushing. My husband and I are very thankful that Anna was there with us through this journey and would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for some extra support through the beautiful journey that is the beginning of parenthood.
***All testimonies are written in clients own words and can be verified by the clients themselves***